Tag Archives: stormie omartian

The Power Of A Praying Wife

I created a group on Facebook for a few of my girlfriends to go through the book The Power Of A Praying Wife, by Stormie Omartian, because we feel like our prayers for our husbands needs to have more focus. I pray for Mike daily, most of the time they are short prayers whispered in my heart as I’m changing a diaper, switching the laundry or making dinner. This is wonderful, but a couple days ago Mike asked me to pray for something specific. He asked me to pray for the Lord to give him a clear direction for his life, work and ministry. My hubby doesn’t ask for much, so when he asks for something I would do anything to give him what he asks for. I knew that my short prayers throughout my day would not be enough. I needed a specific time I could sit down and exclusively pray for my husband.

I have read through this book before and I enjoyed it. I prayed for one thing each day; sometimes if I had more time to read, I would go through a couple topics she wanted us to pray for. I think going through one topic each week will work out best for me now. Since I am caring for Samuel all day, I may only get a few short moments to read, so it might take me a whole week to get through a chapter, but I have chosen his first nap time to sit down and pray for my husband. I will be focusing more on the topics in the book starting this coming Monday. That way everyone who wants to join the group on Facebook will be prepared by then.

I will also be keeping you up to speed on this blog. I’m hoping for more than once a week, but we will see.